Featured Article
How to encourage media literacy ahead of the new school year
It can feel like a massive challenge to keep up with the changing media landscape—especially for parents. We sat down with Michelle Lipkin, Executive Director of the National Association for Media Literacy to learn how we can help our kids develop critical media literacy skills to thrive in life.

How to connect with online safety: advice from an Internet Safety Expert
Fareedah Shaheed is the CEO and founder of Sekuva and she shares her best digital parenting advice.
Staying Connected With Grandparents: Advice from the Founder of Together
Enrique Rodriguez founded Together to help his own kids stay in touch with their Grandparents. He shared his advice for keeping different generations connected via technology!
Helping Kids Stay Safe During Screen Time: Advice from a Trust and Safety Expert
Joel Silk is the Director of Moderation at Roblox, where he focuses on building trust and safety into the platform. He shares his insights on how to keep kids safe online!
Empowering Kids with Information: Advice from the Anchor at KidNuz
Tori Nelson is the board president and anchor at KidNuz, a wildly popular news podcast produced just for kids. She shares her advice for empowering kids with age-appropriate information.
Positive Parenting Strategies: Advice from a Child Development Expert
Anita Cleare is a parenting coach and the author of The Working Parent's Survival Guide. She shares her advice on parenting in the digital age.
How to Futureproof Your Kids: Advice from the Expert Behind KidCoach
The world is changing faster than ever—and our kids need soft skills in order to thrive. Kavin Wadhar, founder of KidCoach explains how parents can help prepare their kids for the future.
Preparing Kids for the Digital World: Insights from Diana Graber
Diana Graber is the expert and author behind Raising Humans in a Digital World, and we sat down with her to hear her thoughts on teaching digital literacy to children.
YouTube Algorithms and Violence Against Girls: Insights from Dr. Kyra Gaunt
Dr. Kyra Gaunt is an ethnomusicologist at the University of Albany. She shares insights on racism and sexploitation on YouTube—and offers advice on how parents and kids can navigate the online world.
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