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Three Online Activities That Are Actually Good for Your Kids
Rather than counting screen time, assess what kinds of screen experiences your kids are having. Prioritizing the three C's—connection, creativity and cultivation—we can give our kids the best that technology has to offer.
How to manage screen time this back-to-school season
What's the best advice for parents when it comes to screen time during the school year? Have an open and ongoing conversation with your kids. Here are ten topics to cover with your family that will help make tech less contentious.
Screen Time Guidelines vs. Reality: How Much Time Are Kids Actually Spending With Screens?
If you're a parent and you're confused about screen time, you're not alone. We took a look at the recommended time limits and compared them to stats for actual screen use by age—and the results are interesting!
3 Lessons from Mister Rogers That Still Apply to Screen Time Today
Screen time for kids is a confusing issue, and many parents aren't sure what to make of it. By taking a page from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, we can learn some valuable lessons about screen media today.
Reflections on Björn Jeffery's In Defense of Screen Time
Björn Jeffery is an expert on all things kid-tech—and he makes a very compelling argument in defense of screen time.
On Writing Screen Captured: Helping Families Navigate Technology with Confidence
My hope is to help parents have productive conversations around tech in their families. Screen Captured explores the difference between positive screen time for kids—which is educational, creative and connecting—and screen capture, which uses manipulative mechanisms to keep us scrolling forever.
Different Experts, Different Advice: What Parents Need to Know About Screen Time Guidelines
Some experts suggest that screen time can have an impact on kids’ sleep quality and weight. But what should parents do when those experts don’t agree?
Quality Over Quantity: Telling the Difference Between Screen Time and “Screen Captured” for Kids
For kids, it’s not just a question of how much screen time is healthy. It’s a question of what type of screen time is healthy. Learn to spot the common tactics tech companies use to hook us—and help your kids avoid the worst of them.
Fact or Fiction: Does Too Much Screen Time Lead to Anxiety?
Anxiety in children and teens has reached an all-time high — and there’s no signs of it slowing down. Is screen time to blame?
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